Friday, August 26, 2011

In a Station of the Metro-Test Blog

  1. A "Metro" is a subway system.  Each city has a specific name for their own subway system, and Paris adopted the name "Metro" for theirs.
  2. The poem conveys feelings of mystery.  There is a supernatural, along with a dreary sense associated with the word "apparition" and the phrase "wet, black bough."
  3. I feel that the poem is trying to describe how each face is lost in the crowd of thousands.  While each person together makes up the whole, if one person was removed, no one would notice.  This is insinuating that public transportation, crowds, and humanity are selfish.  The goal of public transportation is to transport individuals safely, but at the same time, each person is just another ticket to the workers.  In a crowd, each person is just someone you pass during your busy routine, hardly noticed.  It is humanity's nature to put yourself first above all else, and this poem examines and magnifies this.
  4. Waiting for a Ride--Standing still along the sidewalk;/The students scurry snobbishly to aboard.

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